Copyright © Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.
Reprodução proibida. © Todos os direitos reservados.
Global issues through the eyes of women.
I loved this cover, entitled EARTH - Transforming Energy.
This issue of World Pulse Magazine brings a closer look at women transforming the environmental movement, women leaders who are courageously combating environmental degradation to save their homelands. It comes with the article: Daughter of the Amazon, Marina Silva.
Maria Xerente, the indigenous lady posing for this portrait made a conscious speech at the last cultural Festival at Bertioga.
It was about Respect.
Her words led us to the sense of respect for elders, those who came before and throw light ahead.
"It is the marriage between tradition and modernity, between city and forest, sky and earth that will make Brazil into the nation we seek."
Marina Silva to Tierramérica
Respect, a key to marriages, relationships, balance of people and Earth.