Welcome to Puxirum (a Tupi word), which means in Brazilian Portuguese "mutirão", and in english this single word means "help that members of a community give each other".
The Puxirum of Arts and Indigenous Knowledge.
That was the place were the Natives had congregated to the lectures.
They came from all Latin American countrys, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil...
V World Social Forum, Porto Alegre city (jannuary, 2005)
Guillermo Ashaninka
From Peruvian Amazonia, Guillermo is an Ashaninka and one representant from AIDESEP. He was funny guy, but also very serious... a interesting combination.
golden chief
Pataxós, Brazilian Natives painting their bodies to the manifestation. They are living big problems with their land's demarcation, fighting with farmers and big cellulose multinacional industry. It was wonderful to see they doing that paintings, preparing their soul.
Nícia Maldonado
Here is Nícia Maldonadon, co-ordenator from CONIVE (Venezuela), talking to their/ours brothers, on the Puxirim lectures, from the V World Social Forum.
Guarani Kaiowá people
They were showing me their posters, which demands
the homologation from the land were they live in the
Village Nhanderu Marangatu, in Mato Grosso brazilian's state.
I believe the link above should be the most complete information about brazilian indigenous, translated to english. It's a non profit organization, with a very intense work. Hope you enjoy.
Blue head
At the Puxirim lectures, on the V World Social Forum.
Mapuche guy
Vicente Huenupic, from Chile.
Guarani baby
A sunset with the shinning of this eyes :)
Guarani people