That was the begginning of the Indigenous Nacional Party.
A meeting to celebrate life.
This warriors, man and woman came
together to light the torchs fire.
They were giving a symbolic life to the ceremony.
The couple live on the Indigenous Park of the Xingu , on Mato Grosso State, from Brazil. They are many ethnics groups living there.
I met the Kuikuro and the Yawalapiti People here.
opening ceremony
lighting balance
As we need the differences between
male and female to produce life,
the cold would not exist without the warm,
and nature gave us both extremes: ice and fire.
Light would not exist without the dark.
That's what i was hearing on the symbolic ritual.
We may need the difference to create balance.
What do you hear?
the karajá girl
This girl is beyond hope.
When i saw her, i was thinking about future.
Being a human living in the wild nature,
covered by the ancestral knowledge,
Beside me, a lot of people and technology...
and we above stars, wind, sand and the ocean.
Yes, i think she was hearing the ocean.
She is a mysterious, she is beyond hope.
She is a Karajá girl, and lives on the Bananal Island,
on Tocantins State from Brazil.
Population about 1.804, in 1999.
Karajá People
I believe sometimes it wasn't easy for some of them being there. Specially for the olders and some children.
Some were proud but some were a bit affraid.
Some were out of their tribes for the first time in life.
from the river
They have a deep relation with the Araguaia River,
which is the source of their subsistence.
Their myth of creation tells that they came from
the bottom of this river and occuped its border.
Karajá wings
They made me dream
they were preparing to fly :)
cacique Nambikwara
"Cacique" means the Indian tribal chief.
He is the leader of the "People from the Ashes",
and he emphasized it to me when
I asked permission before taking his portrait.
They have a special ritual for this nose piercing.
They do it to mark the puberty's masculine passageway,
were the boy should show courage, firmness and spiritual power.
I looked to this photo more then a hundred times.
First, i'm still asking why he was looking to me so deep.
Second, i just can't believe that i did this one.
The Nambikwara live on the Mato Grosso State's
west and Rondônia State from Brazil.
Population about 998, in 1999.
Nambikwara People
The Nambikwara are also called the "People from the Ashes",
because they use to slept on the ground, near the fire,
and dawn covered by a mixture of sand and ashes.
Xikunahity, the "head's soccer"
The Nambikwara warriors showed as a quick simulation of their "head's soccer", called Xikunahity. The game was created by the mythological Wazare, from the Pareci People.
I didn't make a better shot of this moment, so i aded notes (pass your mouse on the picture) to guide you to this game. There are two groups playing, and when the ball comes they had to jump on the ground and only use the head to kick. It's is amazing how strong they were doing that, cause the ball don't play high, but on the ground, as the soccer game we know.
Xavante People
Those are my ancestors, the brave Xavantes.
They are great warriors. I have a special
feeling and a deep respect for them.
My blood, their world.
My eyes, their look.
My soul, their spirit.
The Xavante People live on the Mato Grosso State from Brazil.
Population about 9.602, in 2000.
Uiwede Wapraba, the "trunk's race"
They were two teams and two heavy trunks of Buriti's wood.
It's a race. They run while loading the wood,
rotating who will keep next, one by one.
An differentiated way to Xavante People show purpose and vigor,
while having fun :)
In Kuikuros People's culture, some dreams and sickness could put humans in contact with the itsekes spirits (sobrenatural spirits living in the forests and in the water's bottoms), to reestablish the balance, the order, the health.But if you born a Xaman, you can be relate with the itsekes spirits naturally.
They are many ethnics groups living Indigenous Park of the Xingu ,
on Mato Grosso State, from Brazil. I met the Kuikuro and the Yawalapiti People.
Yawalapiti's population were about only 208 people,
and Kuikuros were about 394, in 1999.
time of creation
For the Kuikuro People from Xingu everything which exist
and deserve an explanation, is associate with one or more narratives.
The sun, Giti, is the cultural hero, the creator with their twin
brother Aulukuma, the moon. The time of creation was, and still is,the time where humans and not-humans were comunicating each other.
Xingu's women painted legs
to walk our walk.
much more
Yes, he is exotic.
But i'll ask you to try looking at him as a
human being as you and me.
They asked me to show them like this.
They told they are tired by being looked as just
exotic "things" to be photographed.
I think they are right.
It's all my nature do in the time,
even in inner silence.