"The mind, like the dyer's hand,
is colored by what it holds."
— unknown source
This are Xerente People, who lives to the east of Tocantins river, in Brazil.
your name, my rights
This petition on the UN draft declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has now a bit more than 5700 names.
I wish we would make thousands.
Please, send this link to a friend,
let's make it grow.
Thank you.
(click above to sign it)
“Indigenous peoples the world over continue to be among the most marginalized and dispossessed sectors of society, the victims of perennial prejudice and discrimination.”Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
"An estimated 370 million Indigenous women, men and children worldwide face racism, discriminatory laws and eviction from lands central to their cultures and livelihoods.
After more than two decades of negotiation and debate, the United Nations is moving forward with global human rights standards to protect the rights of Indigenous peoples."
More details about this campaign at
Amnesty International (english)
Amnesty International (espanhol)
Amnesty International (français)
Amnesty International (Arabic)
> This is a Gavião boy. Gavião People lives at the Maranhão state, in Brazil.
They were about 250 (in 1998) .
This is the word they use to call the ancients.
The old people are very respected by the Xerente People,
because they means the "cultural guardians".
>The Xerente People live in Tocantins State from Brazil.
Population about 1.814 (in 2000).
This is a Xerente People touch.
They live at the east of Tocantins river, in Brazil.
They were about 1.814, in 2000.
Indigenous Meeting at Bertioga city.
good info: Instituto Sócio Ambiental
The Kayapó People live on South Pará State and Mato Grosso
State, in Brazil. They were about 7.096 (in 2003).