
bird flying away

bird flying away, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

The Prestes Maia occupation is now closed, after the removal of all the families. It has been almost 5 years of occupation.
Mixed feelings appeared while I photographed the main door of the building, now covered with concrete and blocks. If on a hand, important development and conquests had occurred in the debate and process about the city housing, calling attention for the social exclusion imposed by the real estate speculation and the preconception between social classes, on the other hand, looking to this door closed, and everything what it iconically represents, brings me some sadness.
It was like looking a giant tomb with 22 floors, sealed up without life, in the heart of the city.

Copyright © 2007 Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.
Reprodução proibida. © Todos os direitos reservados.



thoughtful, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

Despite the kind look of the Rikbaktsa girl, the Rikbaktsa People were well known by the neighboring indigenous groups, with which, they have maintained hostile relations. Since their “pacification”, which was financed by rubber planters and carried out by Jesuit missionaries between 1957 and 1962, their traditional territory has been the object of many pioneer fronts, such as rubber extraction, timber and mining companies and agricultural and cattle-raising enterprises.
For more Rikbaktsa information, visit the Instituto Socio Ambiental

> VII Indigenous National Festival, at Bertioga city

Copyright © 2007 Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.
Reprodução proibida. © Todos os direitos reservados.



"pacification", originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

During the Rikbaktsa “pacification” and soon after it, influenza, chickenpox and smallpox epidemics decimated 75% of a population, which was estimated in some 1.300 people at the time of contact. As a consequence, the Rikbaktsa lost most of their lands, and the majority of their small children were taken from the villages to be raised at the Utiariti Jesuit Boarding School, almost 200 kilometers from their homeland. There, the little Rikbaktsa were raised along with children of other indigenous groups also contacted by the missionaries. The surviving adults were gradually transferred from their original villages to larger ones, which were centralized under the Jesuit’s catechist administration.
In 1968, about 10% of the Rikbaktsa’s original territory were demarcated as the Erikbaktsa Indigenous Land; from then on their children began to be taken back to their villages, and missionary action concentrated in that area.
Since the end of the 1970s the Rikbaktsa have struggled to regain control over part of their traditional lands. However, it is still occupied by miners, timber companies and colonization companies.

From Rikbaktsa Location and history, by Rinaldo S.V. Arruda,
at the Instituto Sócio Ambiental.

> VII Indigenous National Festival, at Bertioga city.

Copyright © 2007 Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.
Reprodução proibida. © Todos os direitos reservados.


Charlottesville - Festival of Photography

June 7-9

The Festival of Photography
Some images of my work was included in a projection there, selected by the american photographer Andy Levin, whose work I so admire, and who was curating it. I really feel honoured for being part of this essay, with all those photographers.
If you are around Charlottesville, I hope you'll enjoy "The Human Condition" projection.

The Charlottesville's Festival is a not for profit celebration of photography created by photographers. With a program of exhibitions, workshops, interviews, outdoor screenings, and special events, the Festival attracts professional and amateur photographers from around the world to Charlottesville's picturesque historic downtown, Virginia, US.

After dark, on 4th street, going from side of street that Paramount Theatre is on, will happen the "The Human Condition", a Lightstalkers community projection. It has an amazing team of well-known photographers like Ami Vitale, Gary Knight, John Vink, Dave Yoder, Bruno Stevens, and more high quality professionals. You can read the Lightstalkers full list of Photographers in this Festival at this link.

My special thanks to Andy Levin, Wayne E. Yang, Bob Black, Nick Nichols, Jon Golden, the Lighstalkers Team (Teru and Shinji), and everyone else involved.