
I support the Indigenous Cause

In Support the Indigenous Cause

Copyright © Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.

Reprodução proibida. © Todos os direitos reservados.

The model of development that Brazil was rising in the last years could have some strong positive points, but some issues related with the environment, sustainability, violence and disrespect of the Indigenous and Traditional Communities rights (as the Quilombolas - historic afro-brazilian communities) are just going worst.

Last July and August I traveled about 4000km on the Brazilian east boarder, between Bahia' South state and the North of Espírito Santo, visiting many Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian communities (Quilombolas). I was shooting for a research that will be published soon. The main picture is really bad. I also met and interviewed anthropologists, professors at universities and researchers, and what I've seen is disappointment when not revolt.
A meeting formed by a large national group of anthropologists to write a collective manifest for the government was recent planned to happen in Florianópolis. I'll updated about.

You've probably heard about Belo Monte Dam and other projects in the Amazon area, troubles with deforestation, monoculture, and lands issues in the country. The Brazilian Association of Judges for Democracy (www.ajd.org.br) released a campaign named "I Support the Indigenous Cause" and are asking for signatures.

I support the Indigenous Cause
Against the PEC 215 (proposed constitutional amendment)
Demarcation of the Indigenous Lands
Urgency in Court Decisions

There are more detailed information rolling the bar on this link.
I Support the Indigenous Cause
Check the link for other languages:
Português / Español / Français / Italiano / English

If you agree, you can sign the petition that will be sent to the Supreme Court,
the President of the Republic, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Please, share the campaign with your contacts.


Eu Apoio a Causa Indígena 

Photo: > Kayapó women were singing and dancing their traditions during the Indigenous National Festival, 2012. Bertioga, SP, Brazil.


Santiago, Chile: ACTIVISTA Exhibition

No, I'm not dead. I just have been very negligent with my blog, I now.
But here I am, filling the black screen with some news and not so news. 

First thing to tell you: I was featured at Citypulse ACTIVISTA issue, released in mid-March. The issue presented 16 pages with an overview of my photo work during protests from 2000 to 2011. I will add some on this blog soon, but now the most important: if you are around Santiago during September and first week of October, this should be the last weeks to visit the ACTIVISTA Exhibition at the PUMA LAB and check some of my photos there.

ACTIVISTA - The Exhibition

Santiago, Chile

Includes part of the Citypulse collection: conceptual photography, audio and video developed by this international group, portrays the social movements that are multiply throughout the world, gaining a decisive role in the expression of citizens locally and globally. The work is structured from the eyes of 44 artists from 16 countries, who shape multicultural track the phenomenon from an experimental perspective. This record includes a book, a video (pre-released in August this year at the Festival of Aarau, Switzerland), a photographic collection, a website, and geolocated platforms with audio and video recording. Additionally, the photographic pieces exhibited in PUMA LAB include augmented reality interface that allow viewers to explore the complete works pointing their mobile images displayed.

September 5th to October 7th
GAM - Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral - PUMA LAB
Avenue L. B. O'Higgins 227, UC Metro
Parking Subt. by Villavicencio 354
Santiago, Chile


Soon, more updates!

Inauguración EXPO ACTIVISTA! from PUMA LAB on Vimeo.
Inauguramos la exposición ACTIVISTA! en PUMA LAB que incluye parte de la colección conceptual de fotografía, audio y video desarrollada por Citypulse y que retrata los movimientos sociales que se multiplican a través del mundo, adquiriendo un rol determinante en la expresión ciudadana a nivel local y global. Ojo con la interfaz de realidad aumentada que contienen tanto las fotos como las postales de la EXPO, que permiten a los espectadores recorrer la obra completa apuntando sus móviles a las imágenes expuestas.