
home sweet home

Eviction is now suspended!

O despejo está suspenso!!
(click e leia aqui em português)

Yes, the eviction of the Prestes Maia Occupation is now suspended for 60 days!

I'm trying to find the more details about the cancelation, but I had just a talk with a lawyer representant of the Movement, and he told me that the judge went with the Military Police Commander to the area of the building, and saw how dificult, dangeours and insecure it could be the withdrawal of almost 2000 people... so the judge decided to suspend the eviction for this sunday and gave them 60 days for a new negotiation.

Thank you so much, all of you!


the call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the call, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

AÇÃO URGENTE (click no link, em português)

We need five minutes of your day, and a FAX machine.

from Amnesty International,
to help the Prestes Maia 468 families.

A judge has issued a new order to evict the 468 families who have been living in the derelict Prestes Maia building in central São Paulo for over two years. The municipal authorities must carry out the order before 4 March. Amnesty International is calling you to an urgent action. You can see it in this links.


Please, spread the word, and sign the online pettition:

Join our group at Flickr, to support and be informed about this issue:
The Prestes Maia Hope

Picture during a meeting at Prestes Maia occupation of the Homeless Movement of Central São Paulo, in 2005.


happy, Maasai

happy, Maasai, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

Maasai woman portrait,
at the opening march of the VII World Social Forum,
arriving at the Uhuru's Park.
Nairobi city, Kenya.

“Change is inevitable.
We would like to be agents of our change
rather than victims of change."

Kakuta Ole Maimai,
Maasai Association

Maasai colors at the WSForum

Maasai women at the VII World Social Forum,
from Woman's Guild organization, before activities.
Nairobi, Kenya

at the openning march

at the openning march, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

People from Organization of African Instituted Churches,
at the opening march of the VII World Social Forum,
arriving at the Uhuru's Park.
Nairobi city, Kenya.


the sky is not the limit

the sky is not the limit, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

Street kids from Nairobi,
fishing with hands,
at the Uhuru's Park (Freedom's Park).

"Another World is Possible"

VII World Social Forum
Nairobi, Kenya