"A changemaker in the making...This are words from Gregory J. Smith, who leads CARF - Children at Risk Foundation, and a great friend. Some of you alredy know many pictures (slide-show here) I've been doing about this social project, during a year of work, at my Flickr's photostream and here. Please, click at the image above to follow the link and download directions if you would like the PowerPoint presentation.
This thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation, “Stolen Childhood”, was brought to my attention by one of our members, Ahmad Kavousian. It confirms much of what we already know; that there is still yet much work to be done.
The original Portuguese version, “Infância Roubada”, made by Mateus from Brasília in Brazil, has now been translated to English thanks to positive supporters and admirers of his noble efforts.
As part of the Reaching for a Star Campaign, mobilized by Flickr member, Mylens (Marília) and now in its second edition, we at CARF would like to offer members of the Flickr Community the possibility of making their Christmas gift double its face value for those on the receiving end. “Hit two birds with one stone” as the old saying goes... Firstly by giving a gift that motivates towards social consciousness in your family circle and among your friends, and secondly, by providing support to the many children attended by the Children At Risk Foundation – CARF.
And if you aren't at Flickr community and want to help us to develop this so important project, you can directly go here:
The Kayapó People live on South Pará State and Mato Grosso
State, in Brazil. They were about 7.096 (in 2003).